Monday, July 14, 2008

2008 Western Sky Retreat

The 2008 Gang included oldies and newbies - God truly blessed us again this year!

The grand finale meal included fresh mountain berries made into a delicious cobbler with vanilla ice cream! My mouth is drooling just looking at the picture! It was YUM-OOO!

Timbrel and Mardy hit it off!

This is a GREAT place to be still and Know that He is God.....

More Pictures!

Yes, Tammie grilled for her first the fire department did not have to come - but, there was enough smoke to attract some attention!! Thank goodness, fear is not going to win over! She will grill again!! Yipppeeeee!

And more pictures!

2008 Western Sky Retreat was Fabulous!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

For it is God who works in you to will and to act....

God's word WORKS in me; here is a testimony!

This past week i drove to FL to pack up my earthly possessions.  I packed like a mad-woman because i needed to be back in SC to job hunt.  For three days i was disgusted at how much unnecessary STUFF i have accumulated. I tried my best to weed through and discard; anyone want to buy a red couch and love seat!? 

I knew I needed to be back in Columbia by Tuesday but i had at least 8 hours of packing and cleaning ahead of me when i woke up that morning.  I worked very hard and finally by 4:15 PM I was packing up my car.   But...I noticed i had had a very grumpy attitude all day.  There were several reasons but as i drove out of my driveway i began to pray about my attitude.  Obviously, the passage about having the attitude of Christ was on my mind, i knew i was FAR from that state of mind.  

As i meditated on this thought, my mind began to bring up the other parts of Philippians 2 - that applied to my heart.  Then these brought me to Philippians 3 - "And whatever was to my profit i now consider loss..."  

I was amazed at how PRACTICAL these truths were! Seriously, it was simply a hard day, little things were irritating me, i was tired and the midst of this, God whispers, "think of others as better than yourself....Look to THEIR interests....whatever was to my profit i am to count as loss!"  I was being SELFISH! ME!  God was spotlighting sin in me...and inspite of ME, He gave me the GRACE to do the right thing.  Thus, proving to me, it is GOD who works in you to will and to act according to His Good Purpose!  Amazing.....i simply had to thank Him for His beautiful Grace that covered me.  Now, i just ask, Lord, Change me to look more like Jesus, from the inside out.   It is always All Him.  

Friday, June 20, 2008

Memorizing Philippians

Hi Ladies,
Only a few more weeks until we converge on Western Sky again! Mardy has been encouraging us to memorize, memorize. I appreciate the challenge!

Here are the passages:
Phil 2:1-16a (ending with "the word of life")
Phil 3:7-16
Phil 4:4-9

My mom as well as Denise's mom will be joining our gang this year. My mom voiced a concern that she would be the oldest one there - i assured her she would fit right in, no worries! She is getting excited about the retreat as she is now receiving Mardy's emails....a lot different than the typical church retreats we have experienced in the past! I am anticipating a wonderful time...i can hear you ladies getting excited, and also the feeling of release as i know once we get on the road, worries that cling to us will fall off and we all will have a few days of bathing in rich fellowship, quiet, undistracted time with the Lord, lots of laughs, i am sure some tears and much prayer AND good coffee and food!! My mom is the SERVANT at heart - as i know most of you are, being mothers - so she looks forward to preparing a meal...she has already sent me an email, practically taking on the whole responsibility for a meal....i told her to share!! :-) She is great.

I have made it through Philippians 2, chapter 3 is giving me a little trouble, chapter 4 has been memorized more or less when i was young, so i felt like i had a head start! Come on Ladies!!! You can do it!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

You Can Do This

Okay my dear friends! Where are you? Please use the blog to drop a line and we can have some fun with the blog before we get to the cabin! Here is my challenge: what was one of your favorite and most surprising experiences during last years retreat? You can do the "comment" option or ADD A POST! Come on...I am so excited to hear from all of you! You can do this!! Don't let blogging scare you! It is fun!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Prayers Answered Since Last Year?

One of my sweetest memories of last year was our last evening together on the upper balcony. I was going to "teach" but we spent several hours just sharing what the Lord had done in our hearts since we arrived. You all taught me that night, so much, and so sweetly by sharing the changes the Lord's presence was making in you as you trusted Him more. Thank you for yielding to Him in those areas that were so hard to do. I think I'll be smart and schedule time for that wrap-up this time!

Thank you, Tammie, for making this blog! Good job!

See you soon, Mardy

July 9-12, 2008

Why to go Denise! God put Denise and Mardy in the same place a few nights ago...and here we GO, planning 2008 retreat! Go God! Since this is our first post...we may need to back peddle a little....

After such a precious time last year at Western Sky...i know i am begging for another time together with all you gals! I am SO excited i can barely contain myself! Has it only been a year? WE have a lot to catch up on girls....Mardy has already said the "H" word - "Homework!!!" We all left each other hangin' last year...praying, hugging, crying, smilin' and hopin' for the best for each other...Now, we must fill in the gaps, gals and hear the next chapter of what God is doing! How has He been working in your family, in your heart and in your life? Where has your journey taken you this past year? We have many testimonies to hear....and we don't have to start at..."i was born in...." So...sweet talk those hubbies of yours, schedule a few babysitters, grab that mocha flavored coffee, a few boxes of tissues and get that suitcase dusted off - We are headin' to the mountains!!

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The LORD will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and forever.